Creating a Pinch Pot Phone Speaker
Keep everyone in your home entertained with Mighty Mud’s Pinch Big Mouth Phone Speaker This is for all ages, kids and adults. Click the link below to purchase and reserve your box! Monster Speaker Box Pick up and drop off Hours: Mon 11-3, Tues-Fri 11-5, Sat 10-4
We’re currently sold out of the Pinch Monster Box. Follow us on Facebook to see our next project we’ll have!
Video Instruction
If you prefer to watch video instruction, follow along below. We’ve also included a video to create a frog, below, as well. Otherwise, keep scrolling for attached pictures.
Step 2:
- Start with the larger ball of clay by pushing your thumb right in the middle and push through
leaving about 1⁄2” of clay on the bottom.
Step 3:
- Then you will start pinching the clay between your thumb and fingers making a pot shape,
making sure the clay is around 1⁄4” thick all around. Too thick will take longer to dry and too thin
will not hold added pieces and/or crack.
Step 4:
- After making your pinch pot, let it set up for about a half hour.
- While you wait you can make eyes, tongue, tail, horns, or whatever your monster speaker needs, with the second ball of clay to embellish your monster.
- DO NOT make the feet at this time as we will use the cut out piece to do that later.
- It is easier to add any detail to each of these additions BEFORE attaching to your pinch pot.
- Different tools make different textures (see pics on website).
- If your monster starts to sag, add crumpled up paper to prop mouth open until it has harden some.
- Keep in mind that small, thin additions are likely to break off.
Step 5:
- Once your piece has set up, it is time to cut out the cell phone hole.
- You do this by measuring the width and depth of your phone and add a 1⁄2” to each dimension.
- Draw it out in your clay, then cut out with knife.
- Clean up your cut out by rubbing with finger or using a damp sponge.
Step 6:
- There are three steps to add your pieces to your pinch pot.
- Scratch it to attach it by using pointed wooden tool
- Water added by just your finger to the scratched areas, then push and twist (not too
much water) - Blend it to mend it. Use the wooden tool to pull down the clay so pieces will stay.
Step 7:
- Take the piece you cut out in step 5 and make your feet.
- Check the video out for more tips and tricks about shapes and attaching things.
Step 8:
- Make sure you add a tail or kick stand of some sort on the back so the speaker won’t rock backward when the phone is in the hole.
Step 9:
- Once you’ve finished your monster speaker, carefully, with an adult, wrap it in the bubble wrap.
- Then put it back in the box that it came in, you will probably want to put some newspaper around it so it won’t move around.
Once you’ve finished your big mouth phone speaker, carefully, with an adult, wrap it in the bubble wrap. Then put it back in the box that it came in, you will probably want to put some newspaper around it so it won’t move around.
Have an adult bring the box back to Mighty Mud, make sure, with a marker, they put a name and phone number so that we can let you know when they are ready.
We will fire your house in the kiln to make it hard. Monster Speaker Box Pick up and drop off Hours: Mon 11-3, Tues-Fri 11-5, Sat 10-4